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About Us

Deep Roots Farm is located in Vilnius, Lithuania. Our goal is to help families eat healthier by providing them with access to fresh, organic, local food.


The name of the farm comes from the idea of reconnecting people to the soil and the food it sustains. Not just a superficial connection, but a deep sustainable long-term connection.​

But there is more ...

Our concept of a farm goes beyond the fact it produces food. Deep Roots provides different services that benefit people, but also nature.

Provides fresh, affordable food.

Veggies, eggs, honey, bread, and more.

Builds a sense of community

People don't just buy food, they are part of the farm.

Gets people active & improves physical health

Don't believe it? Try farming for a day!

Educates about farming, cooking & eating

Internships for aspiring farmers, field trips for school kids, etc. 

Our story

As with everything, the farm started as a seed. Maybe this seed was planted in Diego's brain back in Peru when he was helping his family farm, or at some point before he graduated from an agrarian university.


Actually, the first time this seed touched soil was in Belgium between 2018-19. At first, it grew on a small balcony, later on a full terrace and rooftop, and finally in 4 different community gardens within the city.


Later on, this traveling seed arrived in Lithuania and started to root between 2020-22. A bigger farm project started along with Diego's family. This seed was now a seedling, and you could see its first tiny leaves.  +40 families and a few restaurants used to be provided with food on a weekly basis.


2023-24. â€‹What started as a seed, quickly became a seedling, and now it's ready to keep growing. 


The farm was named, and Deept Roots was created.

Our farming approach


We grow food counting not hectares, but square meters. We like it that way, plus it makes us more productive.



We grow food with nature. That means we don't do chemical farming. We use compost, reduce tillage, do biological pest control, do crop rotation, etc.



We grow food on a human scale. So, no heavy machinery.  We farm with our hands, and we love it.



We grow food for our community, not for people on the other side of the world. Vilnius! We are here for you.



We grow diverse food, with lots of colors and variety. Roots, leafy greens, fruits, brown eggs, white eggs, etc.



We grow food for people that will benefit directly from it. That is, for people we know their names and faces.

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